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211 He pitted his associates against one another.
212 They smiled uncertainly at one another.
213 Maori families enjoy sharing what they own and looking after one another.
214 Uncle Sam emphasized the importance of being thoughtful toward one another.
215 The two feelings blended in him -- neutralised one another and him.
216 I must say they become one another to a nicety.
217 They all resolved that never again would they fight one another.
218 The protons, bring positively charged, repel one another by virtue of their electrostatic interactions.sentencedict.com/one another.html
219 Species try out different roles with one another and explore partnerships.
220 The two friends vowed to stick by one another no matter what happened.
221 They vowed stick by one another no matter what happened.
222 The characters reach out to one another with the most delicate of antennae.
223 These mothers - in a sisterhood they didn't choose - find support in one another.
224 All things are lowly, meek, sufferable and forbear one another in love.
225 Be kind to one another , tenderhearted , forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
226 Gal.5:26 Let us not become vainglorious, provoking one another, envying one another.
227 He had seen how in their dances the white men and women held one another obscenely.
228 Chen Chun - yi and Chu Yin - chiu looked at one another and frowned.
229 Surely , surely, we have ransomed one another, with all this woe!
230 A serial monogamist is someone who often has one another but is always faithful and loving.
231 Love is a communion of the soul, is an attraction on one another. Not sweet talk!
232 True, an impetuous heart is a black hole, it can swallow up one another garden beauty.
233 In the drive of the wind and sleet they pushed in on one another.
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